
Manic Monday

This morning we got up early, got ready, and were off to meet Michelle and Addie at the gym. Lexi told me on the way there she would play would Addie in the kids club and I would pick her up...just like I always do. Well, with school being out for summer there were a lot of kids in the kids club. Lexi was a little over stimulated and would not let me leave. Addie tried to get her to play, some other (a little bit older) girls tried to play catch with Lexi, but she did not want me to leave. After multiple attempts, it was just not working and I had to leave...with Lexi. We went straight to the grocery store and she rode in the tv cart and watched Mickey mouse. She knew I was disappointed. She wasn't talking much and she was obeying every request I made. While we were in the meat aisle she looked at me through the window in the tv cart and smiled. It was seriously the sweetest smile I had ever seen. I could tell in her eyes and her smile that she was sorry. I knelted down beside her, told her I loved her so much, and gave her a kiss. Since we got home from the grocery store we have been talking about the importance of exercise. Se has also been asking me non-stop, "are you happy mommy?" I am sad I didn't get to work out and have adult conversation with my friend Michelle, but absolutely-positively I am one happy mommy, even if I never get in shape!

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