
elizabeth mitchell

Elizabeth Mitchell has the sweetest voice while singing, "You are my Sunshine."  That song is on Lexi's playlist.  Every time it is played we stop what we are doing and dance or sing to each other.  Yesterday, as we drew near to Mimi and Paw Paw's (they had her spend the night) our song came on.  I reached my hand to the backseat and held Lexi's hand.  At the stop light I turned my head and we sang to each other.  Her eyes became teary and so did mine.  When we got to Mimi and Paw Paw's Lexi held on to me and snuggled with me on the couch.  She told me she didn't want me to go.  She LOVES being at Mimi and Paw Paw's, but I think she felt our connection and love like I do all the time, especially when that song comes on.  Every time I leave Lexi (for the night or even for a grocery store run) I feel a little piece of me missing.  She blesses my life, my heart, and my soul.

As we walked in the parking garage to our apartment after picking Lexi up, I started singing, "You are my Sunshine." Lexi smiled and said, "I sang that last night in bed. I started singing it to Nine and then I switched it to you because I love you so much and I missed you." She literally melts me.

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