
Go Cubbies!

Jason, Lexi, and I drove down to Houston this past weekend.  The plan was to take Great Grandma to the Houston vs Cubs game, but she was not able to go with us.  We went with Grandma Mike, Aunt Kim, Uncle Jeff, Cooper, Jackson, and Brady.  We missed Great Grandma and Chip very much!  The game was GREAT...the Cubs won!  Lexi loved cheering when the crowd cheered and enjoyed walking up and down our aisle.  She lasted 5 innings.  Jason, Grandma Mike, and I drove Lexi home and finished watching the game with Great Grandma.  It worked out nicely, we took Lexi to her first game, but we were also able to watch the finale with the Cubs #1 fan!

On Sunday we celebrated Jackson's 6th birthday with him and all his friends.  We had a blast!  His party was held at one of my old gyms.  It has changed a lot over the years, but some things were still the same.  Perhaps one day I'll be back in a gym watching my little girl tumble all over the place!


BCBPropertyGroup said...

Looks like fun!

Kelly said...

Oh Kelly!! You will DIE when she gets in gymnastics! My Kelsey LOVES her gymnastics...it's completely surreal to be sitting by and watching rather than out there doing!