

One of my BFFs, Michelle, insisted on picking up Lexi for me today so I could get some sleep (and I got in a great, much needed nap and spent the rest of the day on the couch).  Michelle, is truly a gift from God.  She has the sweetest heart.  She helps so many friends and I just love her.  She has an extra car seat permanently buckled in her car in order to help friends with their kids...isn't that an amazing friend?!?!  Lexi, I want you to grow up and be THAT friend.  We are so blessed to have the Harmons in our lives.  Michelle took the kids to the park, fed them lunch, they watched a movie, and they are going to Chick-fil-a for dinner to support a fundraiser their church is hosting.  I just know Lexi is having a blast at her bff's house today and I can't wait to hear about her fun afternoon.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Now I'm crying! You are so sweet!